
Wondering about your family? Thinking of ways to improve family relationships? A tarot session may help you see your role in this.

One of our most prevailing traits as a culture is about being family-oriented.  Most of us almost always think about them in terms of the things we do and decide in our own lives.

(c) James R. Eads

I’ve encountered some people who have very close relationships with their families to the point that they are family-centric.  On the other hand, I’ve also met people who are completely independent of their families and are comfortable with the way things are.  Regardless of how they feel about their families, they would always tend to ask my cards about them.

“What do your cards tell me about my family?” is the most frequent question I get about this topic.  I’ve also received very specific questions and situations about their families.  And I have been, for the most part, delighted because my tarot readings have helped them.

Tarot readings have enabled people to see all of the important, underlying influences about family relationships.  Whether they would like to know what the future holds for their family, or if they would like to ask the cards how to resolve differences between members, a message or two from the tarot cards could be valuable and even helpful.

As soon as you are ready to take a peek into the intricacies of your family, let me know and I will help you make sense of them.

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