

Hello, how’s it going? I hope you started this year right. As for me, it has been very busy so far with this craft. Tarot reading is usually very popular between December and February, because:

December – year-end readings

January – calendar readings

February – love readings (being this a love month) and events (Chinese New Year)

This last Saturday (January 13th), I had to meet seven people for their sessions. then the day after that, three more people. I haven’t read through my pending requests yet but I estimate that it is already around 20.

Continue reading “Crowded”

I’m Back From My (Sort Of) Partial Break

That didn’t go so well, did it?

While I mentioned that I would try my best to get back to blogging, I did the opposite and never wrote anything. Not only was I not making my blog alive, I was non-responsive to most (not all!) of the requests for tarot readings.

And for that, I would like to apologize to those who have been waiting for my responses to their requests. I would also like to share with you my side on why I fell off the radar.

I took a partial break due to burnout, and from pressures from people eager to meet me for their tarot readings.

Continue reading “I’m Back From My (Sort Of) Partial Break”

My Tarot Reading Anniversary Post: Seven Years in the Craft

(Originally written on March 31st, 2017.)

I’ll try to be as active with blogging again, most especially because I’m really starting to get increasing numbers in online inquiries due to this:

tarot reading manila search result
My website appears in the first result for the search term “tarot reading manila”.

It appears that my website ranks in the first position for a handful of “valuable” tarot-related local search terms.

Continue reading “My Tarot Reading Anniversary Post: Seven Years in the Craft”

Card in Focus: The Lovers, Because It’s February

Card in Focus: We’ll take a closer look at a single card from the tarot and learn things like its traditional meanings, how it could help with anything, and others things that I can see from it.

It’s that month of the year again!

I started this year mostly sleep-deprived, with loads of meet-ups here and there – catching up with friends, meeting people for tarot readings, and playing video games (I bought a PlayStation 4 last month).  It was so much that I felt that I’ve started to neglect this blog.  Plus, there’s a draft that’s been sitting here: a collaboration post with my friend Den from PaiselyPurpose.  (I’m so sorry Den! I’ll get to it as soon as my crazy schedule frees up!)

So, before anyone asks how I’ve been or if I’ve been living under a rock, here we go with my first “Card in Focus” for this year.

VI – The Lovers

February: a month when we start to see love quotes and funny lines about love and being in love.  This is a time when single people start to question their existence (most of them, at least, maybe even including me!) and couples start to plan their ultimate Valentine’s Day dates. People who are fresh from break-ups see black instead of red, people who are contented being single don’t give two minds about it, people who’ve been looking for a relationship of any sort get to be more hopeful, and couples have lots of options and activities to make this month worth their while.

Continue reading “Card in Focus: The Lovers, Because It’s February”

Start Looking At Your Year with the 2017 Calendar Tarot Reading (and An Announcement from Me)

Alright, how’s it going? I haven’t done anything to my website/blog as of late because I’ve been either mostly busy, or mostly exhausted, or both, for the past few weeks.  Rest assured though that I’m still here, knocking about, and trying as much as I can to catch up with the pending requests.

December is a popular month for tarot readings for a variety of reasons.  Mostly, it’s because it’s a month to wrap up 2016 and to start having perspectives about the upcoming year.  And that is why I would like to introduce a tarot spread which I only use on December and January.

Continue reading “Start Looking At Your Year with the 2017 Calendar Tarot Reading (and An Announcement from Me)”

Paint It Black

It was an early Saturday morning when I met this lady I first encountered online.  She saw that I am a tarot reader, so she wanted to meet me at what she calls her “secret garden.”  To be honest, I was a bit skeptical and even afraid at first.  What’s this secret garden she was talking about?

Continue reading “Paint It Black”

Card in Focus: Temperance, Tempered Balance

Card in Focus: We’ll take a closer look at a single card from the tarot and learn things like its traditional meanings, how it could help with anything, and others things that I can see from it.

As much as I wanted to update my blog, a lot of things have been draining me more than usual lately (it’s as if tarot reading here in Manila is not draining enough).  It’s nothing I can’t manage, but I’ve started to feel this half-a-year’s worth of exhaustion, both physical and emotional/spiritual.  I’ve been doing my best to be more active in this life as much as possible, especially with interpersonal relationships.  I may have overdone it so much that the next thing I know, exhaustion has tremendously bogged me down.

XIV – Temperance

I could use some advise from this post’s Card in Focus: Temperance.  The art of moderation and self-restraint. Continue reading “Card in Focus: Temperance, Tempered Balance”

The Invisible, Impenetrable Wall

I’ve been reading tarot cards to people for six years (intermittently), and I’ve given countless sessions, anything from love tarot readings to Messages from the Universe and Card of the Day.

There are certain number of people and sessions I remember where I found it very difficult and draining to read and interpret.  The difficulties appeared to be coming from the person, who I sensed has built or was trying to build an invisible, impenetrable wall.  No matter how much I tried to look at the usual spots to synthesize the cards’ meanings, I found myself struggling to find the right words and meanings.

Continue reading “The Invisible, Impenetrable Wall”

Messages from the Universe: Have You Been Overthinking?

Messages of The Universe: I imagine myself having a conversation with the Universe.  If She could speak, she would say these three messages.  These could apply to me, or to you, or to any of my readers here.

It’s never too easy to calm down and have a relaxed outlook towards the biggest influences and dilemmas that are engulfing our lives.  Personally, one of the most common underlying emotional states that I’ve noticed whenever I read for people in tarot reading sessions is overthinking.  We will always have this tendency to over-analyze and always try to think too much when it comes to our situations.  And we cannot be blamed for it.  In fact, at least 8 in 10 people that I’ve asked the question “Are you a natural over-thinker?” have said yes.

Universe, what have you got to say about this? Continue reading “Messages from the Universe: Have You Been Overthinking?”

Card in Focus: The Sun, Brightly Shining

Card in Focus: We’ll take a closer look at a single card from the tarot and learn things like its traditional meanings, how it could help with anything, and others things that I can see from it.

XIX – The Sun

When was the last time you felt that uncompromising sense of inspiration?  That feeling when, your motivation is so up high that you feel that you can take on the world and its challenges?

XIX - The Sun
XIX – The Sun (Prisma Visions Tarot) | (c) James R. Eads

A Major Arcana, the Sun usually means enlightenment, glory, and prominence.  It also symbolizes a renewal of life, vitality, radiance, energy, and good health.  Whenever this comes up in love tarot readings, it could mean that someone has been serving as the person’s beacon of inspiration. Continue reading “Card in Focus: The Sun, Brightly Shining”